Support by Donating

Why Donate?

Donations are key to the survival of almost any non-profit museum.  The American Museum of Aviation (AMA) relies on its supporters to donate and help build the first Las Vegas, Nevada based aerospace museum. All donations we receive will go to the planning and developing of the new site for the museum.

Everyone in AMA’s organization is a volunteer, there are no salaries paid out to anyone. It is this kind of devotion that will make this museum a reality!.

To make a Donation to AMA please click on the Museum’s logo shown below.   AMA also offers a Book “Junkyard Jet”  a behind-the-scenes look at the airliner storage and scrapping industry.  All profits from the sale of these books are donated to the American Museum of Aviation that will be opening sometime in 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada.  For more information about our interim museum location please Contact Us

Junkyard Jets

Order Junkyard Jets The book

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